Dreaming about horses

Dreaming about horses

Dreaming of horses is a good omen, it means changes in your life and also that you have a superb personality. The dream indicates that you should evaluate your actions in front of others, how you treat them, and your feelings of superiority.

Dreaming of a black horse: it means the wild, mysterious and unknown side. It also means that you will be very lucky in gambling and money. You must be very careful, because it also represents the hidden forces that are haunting your life.

Dreaming of a white horse: it is a good omen, it means peace, tranquility, purity and good luck. It means that you will be a very lucky person in your affective relationships. You will have a very good partner by your side and great friends to support you.

Dreaming of a dirty white horse: you must be very careful, it means that your partner is being unfaithful to you. They also mean jealousy, you should review your feelings because they can rob you of your peace of mind for nonsense things.

Dreaming of a dead horse: this dream means that something important in your life, which represented something indispensable, no longer exists or is about to disappear. You will probably be faced with a love breakup or an estrangement with your friends.

Dreaming of a herd of horses: this dream refers to your spirit of freedom. That you are a person who likes to feel free, but with a great sense of responsibility and duty. Another meaning is that you must control your emotions to avoid losing control of your life.

To dream that you ride a horse: it is a good omen, it means that you will be successful in the business you are undertaking. Although you should evaluate how legal these businesses are, to avoid future problems.

Dreaming of a horse out of control: it means that you are a person who is carried away by passion. You must be more analytical and think with a cold mind before acting to avoid future inconveniences.


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